Telecom audits are designed to save you money.
What if the budget for your next big IT project is hiding in plain sight? TruWerks experts can help:
Accurately assess your current setup
Identify instant savings
Optimize your telecom approach
Why audit?
- Make sure your providers are meeting the agreed to pricing and SLA requirements of your Master Service Agreement or contract.
- Telecom providers are notorious for having archaic billing systems full of unnecessary fees and billing mistakes.
- Every provider has different service details making it harder to understand what you are actually paying for.
- Auditing before a contract renegotiation puts the leverage in your hands, not the service provider.
- Savings from a telecom audit can help cover the cost of your next IT project.
Stop paying for unnecessary fees and services on your telecom bills.
Our audit process
We research each telecom account to create a “plain English” inventory of every line/circuit your company pays.
We work with your IT/Telecom and billing teams to determine which services to keep versus cancel, process any necessary disconnects, and follow through to bill review.
With an accurate inventory, we next apply contracted discounts and re-negotiate all expired contracts to secure optimal service pricing with existing providers.
Once the right services and rates are finalized, we name and consolidate invoices by provider and service type.
At your request, we can add optional services to help you further cut costs. We can optimize technology by changing certain providers. We can also assume ongoing monthly management of your inventory. And we can conduct regular reviews to ensure inventory and billing match contractual rates.
Pricing Options